진행자: 최정윤, Paul Kerry
Pandemic left Korea more depressed than before: report
기사 요약: 정부가 코로나 위기단계를 가장 낮은 수준인 '관심 단계'로 하향 조정한 가운데 우리나라 성인들이 팬데믹 시기 기점으로 크게 우울해졌다는 조사 결과 나와
[1] The South Korean government downgraded the COVID-19 crisis level to the lowest level on May 1, but a recent report indicates that the years of the pandemic have nonetheless left a lasting mark on people here in the form of depression.
* indicate: 나타내다, 보여주다
* lasting: 영속적인, 지속적인
[2] According to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency's report on depression in South Korea, 7.3 percent of the adult population experienced depression in 2023. The study was conducted on 230,000 adults across the country, and defined depression as "experiencing at least two weeks of severe depression that caused a hindrance to their daily lives."
* hindrance: 방해, 장애물
[3] The portion of those who have experienced depression had been trending downward before the COVID-19 outbreak to mark 5 percent in 2018, which was the lowest figure in the previous 10 years. The figure rebounded to 5.5 percent in 2019 and 5.7 percent in 2020, before jumping a full 1 percentage point to mark 6.7 percent in 2021, 6.8 percent in 2022 and then a 10-year high of 7.3 percent in 2023.
* rebound: 다시 튀어오르다, 되돌아오다
[4] "It appears that mental health worsened as the COVID-19 pandemic went on, and even after resuming normal everyday life, we suspect that the country has still not fully recovered," the report said.
* resume: 다시 시작하다, 재개하다, 돌아가다
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240502050916
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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