Two ballot papers, one 51.7 centimeters long with 38 political parties to choose from, your vote is priceless

As Koreans head to the polls to elect their next representatives for the legislature, here’s a quick look at the vote by key numbers.
►22: The number of the parliamentary session to be established as a result of the April 10 election.
►51.7: Length of the ballot paper in centimeters
The ballot for proportional representatives is 51.7 centimeters long, listing 38 political parties vying for the 47 seats allocated to proportional representation.
►44.25 million: Number of eligible voters.
►31.1: Percentage of voters who already cast their ballots during the April 5-6 early voting period. This is the highest rate recorded in a general election since the introduction of advance voting in the country. That leaves some 30.3 million yet to cast their ballots.
►329 billion: Expected expenditures in Korean won for the general election
►2,624 trillion: Amount in Korean won of total government budgets to be handled by the newly elected parliamentarians over their four-year term, based on 2024's budget of 656.6 trillion won.