Heavy snow, cold wave expected this weekend
A cold wave and heavy snow will hit South Korea Saturday, with up to 10 centimeters of snowfall predicted for some areas in the central region, according to the weather agency Friday. Snow was expected to begin falling along the western coast Friday and could spread to most parts of the country by Saturday, said the Korea Meteorological Administration. Predicted snowfall ranges from 10-30 cm for Ulleungdo and Dokdo, 5-20 cm for Jeju Island’s mountainous regions, and 3-10 cm for southern
Dec. 20, 2024
수능영어 1등급 윤현석군의 수능과 토익 비교와 토익 어려운 단어 정리(2)
지난 연재에 이어서 윤현석 군이 토익 문제를 풀면서 어려웠다고 느꼈던 단어 정리를 제공한다. waive (포기하다) The company decided to waive the late payment fee. (회사는 연체료를 면제하기로 결정했습니다.) be engaged to (약혼하다) They announced that they are engaged to be married. (그들은 결혼을 약속했다고 발표했습니다.) take initiative (선도적으로 이끌다) She always takes the initiative in group projects. (그녀는 항상 그룹 프로젝트에서 선도적으로 이끕니다.) given (considering, ~을 고려하여) Given the circumstances, we should postpone the event. (상황을 고려하여, 우리는 행사를 연기해야 합니다.) human resources
Dec. 20, 2024
[Lee Byung-jong] The perils of political leadership
Following President Yoon Suk Yeol’s recent declaration of martial law and subsequent impeachment, many South Koreans find themselves in a state of profound shock and sorrow. Their pride in being citizens of a young yet vibrant democracy has been shattered, replaced by a deep sense of shame. However, they may draw some consolation by looking beyond their borders, where democracies -- whether old or seemingly robust -- are being challenged and undermined one by one. Across the globe, a ser
Dec. 20, 2024
[Editorial] Bracing for Trump
Now that the Constitutional Court will determine the fate of President Yoon Suk Yeol and his impeachment within the next six months, it seems inevitable that South Korea will handle a number of critical tasks in the absence of a sitting president. Prime Minister Han Duck-soo has assumed the role of acting president, but whether he can steer the country smoothly despite the political chaos following Yoon’s impeachment remains to be seen. One of the most critical challenges involves US Presi
Dec. 20, 2024
[Photo News] World’s first wireless, transparent TV
LG Electronics announced Thursday the global launch of the LG Signature OLED T, the world’s first wireless and transparent TV. The 77-inch TV features a 4K resolution transparent screen with LG’s wireless transmission technology and the ability to switch between opaque and transparent modes at the push of a button. The opaque mode delivers stunning 4K picture quality, while the transparent mode offers an open view of the space behind the screen. Preorders are now open in North Americ
Dec. 19, 2024
[해커스 TOEIC] 토익 점수 Up 단어, Part 5 문제
2) 파트 5 3문제 1. Some of the employees do not understand the ------- regarding leave days, so the supervisor will meet with them to explain it. (A) regulation (B) completion (C) formation (D) composition 해석 몇몇 직원들이 휴가에 대한 규정을 이해하지 못하기 때문에 감독관은 이를 설명하기 위해 그들과 만날 것이다. 해설 명사 어휘 문제 ‘몇몇 직원들이 휴가에 대한 규정을 이해하지 못하기 때문에 감독관은 이를 설명하기 위해 그들과 만날 것이다’라는 문맥이 되어야 하므로 ‘규정, 규칙’이라는 뜻의 명사 (A) regulation이 정답이다. 참고로 (B) completion은 ‘완료, 완성’, (C) formation은 '형성’, (D
Dec. 19, 2024
[Wang Son-taek] Why did we elect him as president?
In December 2024, the Republic of Korea is experiencing an embarrassing absurdity. A person who rose to the presidency, the pinnacle of political power, declared emergency martial law, an act that constituted political suicide. Although the situation is being settled as the National Assembly adopted a resolution demanding the immediate lifting of martial law and passed a presidential impeachment motion, people are still shocked by the unexpected massive disturbance. In particular, President Yoon
Dec. 19, 2024
[Jiyoung Moon] Clash of traumas: Generational divides behind impeachment
Hundreds of thousands of people gathered in front of the National Assembly building in Yeouido, their eyes fixed on a large screen showing Woo Won-shik, speaker of the National Assembly. It was the moment he was about to announce the results of the impeachment vote against President Yoon Suk Yeol. When Woo finally declared that the impeachment vote had passed, the crowd burst into jubilant cheers, hugging one another, waving banners and K-pop glow sticks in celebration. At the same time, a con
Dec. 19, 2024
[Editorial] Lee's duplicity
The court on Tuesday suspended proceedings in the third-party bribery trial of Lee Jae-myung, leader of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea, a case in which a million dollars in cash flowed illegally into North Korea five years ago. In 2019 as governor of Gyeonggi Province, Lee allegedly made Ssangbangwool Group give North Korea $8 million that the provincial government should have given out of its own coffers: $5 million in expenses for a provincial project to set up smart farms in th
Dec. 19, 2024
[영어답게 표현하기] 유용한 비즈니스 영어 표현들
이번 회에는 저희 책 Advanced Vocab에서 소개한 중상급 영단어들을 알려드립니다. 단어의 우리말 뜻을 기억하는 데에 그치지 않고, 난이도 있는 단어를 실제로 활용하는 단계까지 나아가 보기 바랍니다. 〈크기, 규모, 강도의 증가〉 1. annex [ǽneks] 합병하다 an(ad, to의 뜻)+nex(connection의 -nection과 같은 어원으로 ‘묶는다’는 의미)로 구성된 단어다. 특히 한 국가가 다른 국가를 병합한다는 뜻을 지닌다. 본 건물에 딸린 ‘부속 건물’을 일컫기도 한다. Japan prefers to think of its invasion and colonization of Korea as an annexation. 일본은 조선 침략과 식민화를 합병으로 생각하고 싶어 한다. ● 교회는 청년부 예배를 위한 별관을 건축 중이다. The church was in the process of buildi
Dec. 18, 2024