A South Korean woman was recently sentenced to one year in prison for falsely accusing a Bangladeshi man of raping her, a local court said Wednesday.
Ulstan District Court found the defendant, in her 60s, guilty of false accusation and stalking, based on her sending 2,459 text messages to the victim from January to July of last year. She was also ordered to complete 40 hours in a stalking treatment program.
"This crime inflicted great psychological damage to the victim and caused considerable nuisance to his everyday life, which is particularly detrimental to the victim since he is a foreign worker who has to have his visa renewed," the court said in its ruling.
It added that it considered the woman’s history of mental illness in the sentence.
The investigation found that the defendant first met the victim in his 40s at a store in Yangsan, South Gyeongsang Province, and invited the victim to her home by offering to teach him Korean. The two got close over the Korean lessons, and they eventually had sex in January 2023.
The woman then tried to coerce the victim into wiring her his monthly wages and visiting her every day, but he refused and told her not to contact him anymore.
Infuriated by his refusal, the defendant filed charges of fraud under false claims that he owed her money. She filed additional charges of rape and robbery, falsely claiming that he broke into her home in disguise to steal 13.5 million won.
But the court confirmed that the man was at work at the time she claimed to have been raped by him.