진행자: 최정윤, Elise Youn
Why ramyeon makers still stick with 'ramen' marketing
기사 요약: 라면과 라멘의 분명한 차이에도 한국 라면 회사들이 해외 출시시 ‘라멘’을 고집하는 이유는?
[1] Amid soaring exports of Korean instant noodles in recent years, a renewed spotlight has been cast on a decadeslong dilemma among local food companies -- whether or not the word "ramen" should be ditched from their marketing strategy.
*cast light on: 새로운 정보를 주다, 보여주다
*ditch: 버리다/ 배수로
[2] Ramen, rooted in Japanese culinary tradition, has become a household name globally that refers to noodles in broth. The term "ramen" can also refer to instant noodle products.
*culinary: 요리의, 음식의
*broth: 국물, 수프
[3] Amid a growing global presence, Korean businesses have long used the term in overseas markets, introducing their own instant products as "Korean ramen,” instead of as “ramyeon,” the Korean variation of the word.
*amid: ~가운데, ~중에
[4] Using the Japanese word is viewed as taboo in Korea, akin to referring to kimchi as "kimuchi," the Japanese phonetic interpretation of the word.
*taboo: 금기, 금기시 되는 것
*akin to: ~와 유사한
*phonetic: 발음을 나타내는, 표음식의
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240212050104
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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