(Getty Image)
(Getty Image)

진행자: 최정윤, Beth Eunhee Hong

More strollers sold for furry companions than infants

기사 요약: 초저출산 효과일까? 반려동물용 유모차가 유아용 유모차 판매 비율 6: 4로 앞질러

[1] In perhaps yet another sign of the country's declining number of births, South Korea’s largest online marketplace reported Monday that sales of pet strollers exceeded those of baby strollers for the first time this year.

* declining: 감소하는

* stroller: 유모차

[2] According to Gmarket, of the total strollers sold on the platform during the first three quarters of this year, those for pet animals accounted for 57 percent, while those for babies constituted the remaining 43 percent.

* account for: 차지하다

* constitute: -을 구성하다 (make up), -가 되는 것으로 여겨지다 (other meanings)

[3] This situation marks a notable change from previous years, where pet carriages made up 33 percent of total sales in 2021 and 36 percent last year. Baby carriages previously had a larger share in both years: 67 percent in 2021 and 64 percent last year.

* notable: 주목할 만한, 눈에 띄는

[4] A Gmarket official noted the continuous trends of increased purchases of pet-related items alongside declining sales of baby-related products. But the rather significant shifts in market share observed this year warrant further study in order to understand the underlying causes, the official added. South Korea is witnessing a growing trend of families choosing to adopt and spend money on pets, a development that contrasts with the country's declining birth rate and the falling number of babies born here.

* warranat: v.정당/타당하게 만들다 =justify n.영장

*underlying: (겉으로 잘 드러나지 않지만) 근본적인

기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20231225000083