진행자: 최정윤, Naomi Ng
1. Choosing children over career: Fatherhood changing in modern Korea
기사 요약: 커리어 대신 양육을 우선시하는 한국 아빠들의 바뀐 모습
Men’s gradual pivot to parenting comes in line with women’s career progress, past paternal trauma, experts say
[1] A 37-year-old executive at a tech startup in Seoul surnamed Choi made what seemed a bold decision after welcoming the birth of his first child two years ago: he took three months of paternity leave.
*paternity leave: 남자의 출산 휴가 (maternity leave)
[2] Even though it was only for three months, choosing to prioritize his child over his career during that time was daunting for him, but Choi didn’t want to pass down the empty feeling he recalled from his own childhood to his newborn son. Growing up as a latchkey kid whose parents worked full-time, Choi had struggled when he was little staying home alone.
*daunting: 벅찬, 주눅이 드는 (intimidating, unnerving)
*latchkey kid: 맞벌이 부부 자녀
[3] “The stigma persists that men are ‘less nurturing’ and ‘less domestically adept’ than women. But social norms are changing, so we should too,” Choi said.
*adept: 능숙한 (inclined)
[4] In Korea, which has historically followed Confucian principles dividing labor in the family by gender, men were expected to work outside the home as the breadwinners, while women were expected to do all of the housework and child rearing. But fathers like Choi are becoming increasingly common.
*breadwinner: 생계를 책임지는 사람, 가장
*child-rearing: 양육
기사 원문:
2. Baekyangsa's Buddhist cuisine templestay teaches what it means to eat beyond taste
기사요약: 맛 이상의 경험을 제공함으로써 음식에 대해 고찰해 보는 시간을 갖게 하는 백양사 템플스테이
[1]The trees surrounding Baekyangsa, a temple in Jangseong County in South Jeolla Province, boasted their crimson and yellow leaves on a quiet Friday in November. The temple, about a four-hour drive from Seoul, offers an escape from high-rise buildings, city pollution, and the noises and stress of our daily lives.
*boast: 자랑하다, 뽐내다 showed off
[2] This solitude and the opportunity to empty one's mind are probably among the main reasons many people embark on templestays offered at traditional temples around the country. Baekyangsa offers a templestay experience that is specialized in temple cuisine.
*solitude: 혼자 있는 상태, 고독 (isolation/loneliness/seclusion)
*embark on: ~에 착수하다, 시작하다
[3] Mealtimes are quiet because they are considered a time to contemplate on oneself and appreciate the food, as well as the efforts that went into producing and preparing the meal. Even through this small change, people who are often overwhelmed with vast food choices and feel no guilt about leaving leftovers might get a fresh perspective on the act of eating.
*contemplate on: 고찰하다, 명상하다
[4] At Baekyangsa, participants can delve deeper into how Buddhism deals with one of the most crucial aspects of human existence and learn how food is a spiritual activity beyond the mere act of eating.
*delve into: ~을 철저하게 조사하다, 알아보다
기사 원문:
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404
팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638