Indo-Korea Business Culture Center chairperson Zena Chung (fourth from left) poses for a photo with diplomats, government officials and professors for a tree planting ceremony to celebrate the 154th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's birth, at Delhi University in New Delhi on Monday. (IKBCC)
Indo-Korea Business Culture Center chairperson Zena Chung (fourth from left) poses for a photo with diplomats, government officials and professors for a tree planting ceremony to celebrate the 154th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's birth, at Delhi University in New Delhi on Monday. (IKBCC)

Indo-Korea Business Culture Center Chairman Zena Chung participated in a tree planting event in India in line with the 154th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's birth earlier this week.

Chung was invited to the event by India’s Gandhi Mandela Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes the values and ideals of Gandhi and South Africa's former President Nelson Mandela. The event was held at Sri Venkateswara College within the Delhi University campus in New Delhi on Monday.

Chung joined officials, including Danish Ambassador to India Freddy Svane, Gandhi Mandela Foundation Founder and Secretary General Nandan Jha, Sri Venkateswara College Dean K.Chandramani Singh, in planting trees which symbolized Gandhi's vision for a greener, cleaner India.

The foundation established the Gandhi Mandela Awards during the 150th birth anniversary of Gandhi to celebrate those who have carried forward the legacies of both Gandhi and Mandela.

Chung also runs the Global Diplomats Forum to promote economic and cultural development through its board members, many of whom are incumbent and former high-ranking diplomats.