
South Korean carrier Korean Air said Sunday it would be measuring body weights of its passengers in a bid to strengthen aviation safety and minimize excessive fuel use.

Passengers on domestic flights will be asked to weigh in from Aug. 28 through Sept. 6, while international flight passengers will be weighed from Sept. 8 to 19.

The weight measuring process will take place at the boarding gates. Those who do not wish to partake in the process can notify the staff that they wish to opt out and board as usual. The measurement data will be collected anonymously.

According to aviation regulations set by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, air carriers are required to give the average weights of passengers it carries in each aircraft at least once every five years, in order to provide data for the standard weight of an aircraft in flight.

The data is also used to devise a plan for the optimal way to distribute weight within an aircraft, along with measures to reduce fuel costs.

Planes usually fly with more fuel than they actually need, which adds to the plane's weight and fuel use. However, if the exact weight of passengers and luggage can be measured before flights, the amount of fuel needed can be measured more accurately, and fuel use can be reduced.

During Korean Air's measurement of passenger weights conducted in 2017, the average weight for an adult male passenger stood at 81 kilograms, while the average weight for an adult woman stood at 69 kilograms.