
진행자: 최정윤, Beth Eunhee Hong

1. Income inequality widens marriage rates among men

기사 요약: 남성의 소득 불평등이 혼인율 감소 및 저출산으로 이어질 수 있다는 통계 조사

[1] South Korean men in the top income bracket are likelier to be tying the knot, data showed Sunday, suggesting that income inequality could be a major factor in exacerbating marriage and childbearing rates.

* tie the knot: 결혼을 하다

* exacerbate: (문제, 특히 질병을) 악화시키다(=aggravate)

* childbearing: 출산 / v. procreate, conceive

[2] According to data released by the Korea Labor Institute analyzing labor and fertility trends, men with higher economic status were less likely to be unmarried and childless than low-income men.

* fertility: 비옥함, 생식력

[3] Men aged between 26 and 30 with earnings in the top 10 percent showed higher marriage rates, with 29 percent of men answering “yes” when asked if they had experienced marriage or were living in a partnership, while it was only eight percent for men in the lowest 10 percent income level.

* earnings: 소득, 수입

[4] Marriage rates continued to show an upward trend for high-earning males, with 76 percent of those aged between 31 to 35 having been married or are married, while it stood at 31 percent for the low-income group. Marriage rates among men aged 36 to 40 in the high-income group were 91 percent, while it was 10 percent for low-income earners.

* upward: adj. 위쪽을 향한/ 증가하고 있는

원문 링크: ⁠http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20230514000101&np=1&mp=1

2. Project launched to monitor use of foreign languages in public spaces

기사요약: 약자 친화적인 환경 조성을 위한 잘못 혹은 남발된 영어 사용 모니터링 프로젝트 출범

[1] Incorrect English signs have been a bugbear for public offices for a long time, but a language center in the Southeast of the country is taking aim at signs in foreign languages and characters that are difficult for the general public to understand.

* bugbear: 근심거리, 골칫거리 (=bugaboo)

[2] To raise awareness of the issue and tackle the problem, the Center for Korean Language and Culture of Gyeongsang National University in South Gyeongsang Province launched a public language monitoring project on May 3, which will run until November.

* launch: 시작/개시/착수하다, (상품을) 출시하다

[3] Back Soo-jin, a senior researcher at the center told The Korea Herald on Wednesday that, according to the Framework Act on Korean Language, public institutions should use Hangeul “in accordance with language norms, using terms and sentences which ordinary citizens easily understand.” Foreign-language examples may be entered in parentheses.

* parentheses: 괄호

[4] Although failure to meet this requirement is not punishable by law, the National Institute of Korean Language and other organizations are conducting campaigns and projects as over-use of foreign languages -- English, in particular -- is prevalent in the public domain.

"While there are many loanwords like Bluetooth we cannot avoid using, we have to try our best to make public language easy to understand for the public and promote using our national language when and where we can."

* prevalent: 일반적인/널리 퍼져 있는 (=common, widespread)

* loanword: 차용어, 외래어

원문 링크:⁠ http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20230510000842&ACE_SEARCH=1

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]

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