진행자: 최정윤, Beth Eunhee Hong
1. More Korean women think marriage, childbirth unnecessary: survey
기사 요약: 2030 미혼 여성 결혼, 출산 ‘필수'라 생각하는 비율 큰 폭 감소
[1] More than a half of women said that marriage and childbirth are not an essential part of their lives, a survey showed Sunday, suggesting a growing trend of women defying the expectations of traditional gender roles in Korean society.
*essential: 필수적인, 중요한
*defy:(권위, 규칙 등에 저항, 거역하다
[2] According to a survey by the Korean Association for Social Welfare Studies, only 4 percent of the female respondents said marriage and childbirth are "mandatory," while 12.9 percent of male respondents answered the same.
*mandatory: 의무적인/ 법에 정해진
[3] The study suggested that the importance of marriage and childbirth appear to be connected to respondents' perception of Korean society. Respondents who spoke highly of their quality of life and society tended to think marriage and childbirth are "important," the study said in its analysis of the survey. This implies that respondents with higher social trust and who believe that the community they live in is capable of providing more opportunities and equality tend to view marriage and childbirth as attractive options, according to the association.
*perception: 지각, 인식
*imply: 암시,시사하다/ 의미하다/ 넌지시 나타내다
기사원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20230226000077
2. Intensive probe launched into liquor prices amid inflation woes
기사요약: 소주 가격 인상 움직임에 실태조사 착수
[1] The South Korean government has launched an intensive probe into liquor prices in an apparent move to tackle further price hikes for soju and beer, the two most popular alcoholic drinks in Korea, amid deepening inflation woes among consumers.
*probe: (철저한) 조사/ v. 캐묻다, 살피다, 탐색하다
[2] With prices of beer products expected to go up following a tax hike in April, the local liquor industry is widely expected to raise the prices of soju, too. With concerns over the price hikes adding to the burden of consumers, the Finance Ministry is upping pressure on the whole industry as it looks into their overall business practices from production to distribution.
*up: (가격 등을) 올리다.
*look into: 조사하다, 주의 깊게 살피다
[3] In a separate move, the National Tax Service reportedly held a closed-door meeting with liquor businesses to share their pricing plans and ask for support to manage liquor prices in a stable way, while the Fair Trade Commission was looking into possible antitrust issues regarding price hikes, considering the liquor industry is dominated by only a few leading players.
*closed-door: 비공개의
*antitrust: 독점 금지의
기사원본: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20230226000082
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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