진행자: 최정윤, Beth Eunhee Hong

1. Twitter Korea sacks 25% of staff, with layoffs expected at Meta

기사 요약: 머스크 트위터 인수 후 소셜미디어 업계에 부는 ‘직원 대량 해고’ 바람

[1] Tech sector employment took a hit this week, with Twitter firing roughly half of its employees last week and Meta Platforms, operator of Facebook and Instagram, reportedly planning widespread layoffs.

*take a hit: 타격을 입다, 피해를 입다, 비난/지탄을 받다

*layoff: 해고

[2] About a quarter of the 30 employees at Twitter Korea have received notifications that they will be laid off, while Facebook Korea said they have not been alerted of any related measures as of Wednesday. The Wall Street Journal on Sunday reported that the parent company of Facebook is set to lay off thousands of its employees, in light of having nearly $80 billion wiped off its stock value last month.

*parent company: 모회사

*in light of: ~를 고려해, ~에 비추어

[3] While it is unclear how much Facebook Korea would be affected by the impending layoffs, or to what the scale of the overall layoffs would be, the mass firing of Twitter employees could face legal challenges.

*impending: 곧 닥칠, 임박한(=imminent)

[4] Local media including Media Today reported that all three members of its communication team have been sacked and that its contract with a local PR agency had also been terminated.

*sack: 파면(해고)하다

원문 링크: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20221108000557&ACE_SEARCH=1

2. ‘Where were the police?’ Top Officials grilled over Halloween crowd crush

기사 요약: 이태원 참사 애도 기간 후 책임자 규명 나선 국회

[1] The National Assembly on Monday grilled high-ranking officials over their handling of the Itaewon crowd crush as the country tries to get to the bottom of a tragedy that has left at least 156 people dead.

*grill: 불(혹은 석쇠)에 굽다, grill someone: 캐묻다, 채근하다

*get to the bottom of: 진상을 규명하다

[2] At the parliamentary grilling, the police and the fire authorities came under fire as details of their tardy response emerged. The police station in Yongsan, the district where Itaewon is located, failed to dispatch its teams in time despite getting 11 calls starting from nearly four hours prior to the incident, the lawmakers pointed out. Rep. Chang Je-won called this “unfathomable neglect” and a “dereliction of duty.”

*come under fire: 비난을 받다, 빈축을 사다

*unfathomable: 불가해한, 이해할 수 없는 (not able to understand? immeasurable)/fathom: 헤아리다, 가늠하다

*dereliction: 유기, 태만 (직무 유기)

[3] With the weeklong national mourning period coming to a close, the two political parties sparred over responsibility on Monday.

*spar: 옥신각신하다

원문 링크: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20221107000692