진행자: 박준희, Beth Eunhee Hong
1. Pride festival returns to Seoul after two-year hiatus
기사 요약: 3년 만에 서울광장 돌아온 퀴어축제…인근서는 맞불 집회
Thousands of people gathered in front of City Hall in Seoul to attend the Seoul Queer Culture Festival on Saturday, marking the event’s return after two years of a pandemic-induced hiatus.
* Gathered: 모이다 * To attend: 참석하다; ~에 다니다 * Induced: 초래하다 * Marking: ~기념하다 * Hiatus: 중단
With rainbow flags, colorful outfits, face paint and glitter, participants celebrated their identities and the diversity of sexual orientations, and joined the march for LGBT rights.
* Diversity: 다양성 * Sexual orientation: 성적지향 * March: 행진하다; (시위를 위한) 시위 / 행진 * Rights: 옳은; 권리
This year’s event took place with the slogan “Let’s live, unite and go forward.” In the early evening, the event organizer gave an estimate of about 135,000 people taking part.
* Take place: 개최되다; 일어나다 * Estimate: 추정; 추산하다 * Take part: ~에 참여/참가하다
Speeches at the event were at times interrupted by counterprotesters outside the venue, but the speakers carried on. Among them were ambassadors from the US, the European Union, the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands.
* Interrupted: 중단된; 가로막힌 * Counterprotesters: 반대 시위자 * Carried on: 계속 가다; 움직이다 * Among: ~의 중에서; 사이에
기사 전문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20220716000092
2. Constitutional court begins third review of death penalty
기사 요약: 12년 만에 재판정 오른 사형제도, 헌재 판단 주목
The Constitutional Court in South Korea held an open hearing Thursday on whether the death penalty is constitutional or not.
* Open hearing: 청문회 * Constitutional: 헌법상의; 헌법
It is the first time in 12 years and the third time in the country’s history that the death penalty has been challenged at the Constitutional Court.
* Death penalty: 사형 * Challenged: 확정되다; 이의를 제기하다
The Constitutional Court ruled in favor of the death penalty system both in 1996 and 2010, with 7-2 and 5-4 decisions, respectively. For The death penalty to be found unconstitutional, at least six out of nine have to vote against the punishment.
* Rule in favor of: ~에 우호적으로 판결하다 * Respectively: 각각; 각자 * Unconstitutional: 헌법에 위배되는
기사 전문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20220714000706
아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2
네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404
팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638