진행자: 박준희, Beth Eunhee Hong

1. [Weekender] Foreign vacations are back, but come with hefty price tags 기사 요약: 코로나 방역 수칙 기대 속 늘어나는 해외여행 수요, 하지만 수요만큼 올라간 비행기 가격

Attention travel-starved Koreans. The cost of air travel is rising, with more upward pressure building from high jet fuel prices and soaring tourism demand. If you are fixed on an overseas vacation, don’t wait too long to book it, experts say.

* ~ starved: ~에 고픈 * Air travel: 비행기 여행 * Fix on somebody/something: ~을 선택하다 / ~으로 정하다

The omicron variant is ebbing and South Korea has lifted most coronavirus restrictions, including mandatory quarantine for international arrivals. In tandem with the easing mood, the popularity of the term “international travel” in web searches has been steadily rising, according to Google Trends.

* Variant: 변이 * Ebbing: 서서히 사그라지다, 약해지다 * In tandem (with): 앞뒤로 나란히 협력하며 * Steadily: 꾸준히

Despite the easing of virus cases and travel restrictions in the country, uncertainty surrounding the pandemic and the chances of a new variant remain. Against this backdrop, some travelers remain cautious.

* Despite: ~에도 불구하고 * Surrounding: 주위의, 인근의 Kim Young-tae, a soon-to-be groom from Seoul, is planning a honeymoon trip to Paris with his partner. But he will not book ahead of time.

* Soon-to-be: ~에 다가온 * Honeymoon: 신혼여행 / 초기의 우호적 관계 * Ahead of: ~앞에

“Travel policy changes so frequently in this age so I’ll only book a flight near my trip. As I haven’t been able to get on a plane in the wake of omicron in the past, I’m too worried about a new variant appearing to purchase a ticket now.

* Frequently: 자주, 흔히 * In the wake of: ~에 뒤이어, ~의 결과로서

기사 전문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20220421000060

2. [Feature] Not feeling yourself yet after infection?

기사 요약: 코로나 완치자가 알아야 할 장기 롱코비드 증상과 회복 방법

For some people, / full recovery from COVID-19 is frustratingly elusive. Many suffer with lingering symptoms, ranging from dry cough, muscle weakness to depression, weeks or even month after the infection.

* Frustratingly: 불만스러울 정도로 * Elusive: 찾기 힘든 * Lingering: 오래 끄는 * Range from: ~에서 ~까지

Dubbed as Long COVID, or post-COVID-19 syndrome, this is a growing concern as South Korea breathes a sigh of relief, past the omicron surge.

* Dubbed: 별명을 붙이다 * Sigh of relief: 안도의 한숨을 쉬다

A loss of taste and smell might kill your appetite. But it’s important not to skip meals, or else you will undergo unwanted weight reduction or malnutrition. Make sure you’re getting enough protein and calories each day.

* A loss of something: ~의 상실 * Undergo: ~겪다 * Malnutrition: 영양실조

Exercise is always the best medicine, especially for muscle conditions. Both flexibility exercises like stretching and strength exercises such as climbing stairs and lifting weights can be useful.

* Exercise: 운동, (권력·권리·역량 등을) 행사하다 * Lift: 들다, 올리다

기사 전문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20220420000937

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]

아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2

네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404

팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638