As of Monday at midnight, the number of new confirmed cases increased by 1,347, resulting in a cumulative total of 334,163. (Yonhap)
As of Monday at midnight, the number of new confirmed cases increased by 1,347, resulting in a cumulative total of 334,163. (Yonhap)

진행자: 임현수, Paul Kerry

1. Kim vows to boost military capability, but says South Korea or the US are not the enemy 요약: 김정은 북한 국무위원장은 노동당 창건 76주년기념 11일 처음으로 열린 국방발전전람회 기념연설에서 주적은 남조선, 미국이 아닌 전쟁 그 자체라고 말해

[1] North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has vowed to build a powerful military to strengthen war deterrence, but insisted that the country’s main enemy is “war itself,” and not South Korea or the US.

*vow: 맹세 *strengthen: 강화하다 *deterrence: 제지

[2] Kim made the remarks Monday as he gave a rare speech at a defense development exhibition to mark the previous day’s 76th founding anniversary of the ruling Workers’ Party, the North’s official Korea Central News Agency said Tuesday.

*remark: 발언 *defense development: 국방 발전 *founding anniversary: 창립기념일 [3] It was the first time the North held such an exhibition, according to the Unification Ministry here, which displayed a variety of weapons the country developed in the last five years, including its Hwasong-16 intercontinental ballistic missile and the Hwasong-8 hypersonic missile it debuted last month.

*display: 보이다 *in the last few years: 지난 몇 년간 * hypersonic missile: 극초음속 미사일

[4] “We are not discussing war with anyone, but rather to prevent war itself and to increase war deterrence for the protection of national sovereignty,” Kim said “Our main enemy is the war itself, and not a certain country or forces like South Korea or the US.”

*discuss: 논의하다 *national sovereignty: 국권 *forces: 단체 기사 원문:

2. South Korea seeks to live with pandemic

요약: 사회적 거리두기 수위 완화 및 일상회복위원회 구성으로 “위드 코로나” 준비하는 한국

[1] South Korea is seeking to live with the pandemic by relaxing its social distancing rules and launching an expert committee for a return to normalcy.

*relax: 풀다 *launch: 시행하다 *normalcy: 정상임

[2] “If the situation in October is managed stably, the recovery that the people desire can be accelerated. And the pain of small-business owners and self-employed people can be relieved a little more,” said Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum on Tuesday.

*stably: 안정적이게 *self-employed: 자영업 *relieve: 완하하다

[3] Kim said increasing the vaccination rate is the most important thing for a step-by-step recovery.

*step-by-step: 단계별 *increase: 증가시키다

[4] “The number of first shot vaccinations surpassed 40 million yesterday, and today’s vaccination completion rate is expected to exceed 60 percent. Nearly 70 percent of adults are fully vaccinated,” he said. “For the next 10 days, we need to speed up vaccination as much as possible to achieve the goal of 70 percent vaccination completion of the entire population.”

*surpass: 뛰어넘다 *completion: 완료 *exceed: 초과하다

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[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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