LONDON (AP) — Hugh Grant has become a father for the first time after a brief fling, his spokesman said Tuesday — but the identity of the baby's mother is not being disclosed.

Publicist Carrie Gordon said Grant "is the delighted father of a baby girl."

She said Grant and the mother "had a fleeting affair and while this was not planned, Hugh could not be happier or more supportive."

Actors Sarah Jessica Parker (left) and Hugh Grant adjust to life in Wyoming as part of the witness-protection program in
Actors Sarah Jessica Parker (left) and Hugh Grant adjust to life in Wyoming as part of the witness-protection program in "Did You Hear About the Morgans" in 2009. (Bloomberg)

Actors Sarah Jessica Parker (left) and Hugh Grant adjust to life in Wyoming as part of the witness-protection program in "Did You Hear About the Morgans" in 2009. (Bloomberg)

"He and the mother have discussed everything and are on very friendly terms," Gordon said.

The 51-year-old star of "Four Weddings and a Funeral" and "Notting Hill" previously had relationships with model-actress Elizabeth Hurley and socialite-turned-campaigner Jemima Khan.

Grant, who built a career playing bumbling British charmers, last appeared in a movie opposite Sarah Jessica Parker in the 2009 comedy "Did You Hear About the Morgans."

More recently he has become a high-profile opponent of intrusion by Britain's tabloid press.

Grant has said he suspects his cell phone voice mail messages were intercepted by journalists, and has campaigned for tighter regulation of the news industry.

He has appeared regularly on television to denounce phone hacking by Rupert Murdoch's now-defunct News of the World, held talks with Prime Minister David Cameron on the subject and is lined up to give evidence at a judge-led inquiry into the hacking scandal.


51세 총각 휴 그랜트, 첫딸얻어.. 엄마는 누구?

영국 배우 휴 그랜트(51)가 아빠가 됐다고 AP통신 등 외신들이 2일 보도했다.

휴 그랜트의 대변인은 1일(현지시간) "그랜트가 지난달 초 딸을 얻었다"며 "그는 아이의 엄마와 아주 잠깐 동안 관계를 가졌고, 전혀 예기치않게 아이를 갖게 됐지만 더 없이 행복해 하고 있다"고 말했다.

아이의 엄마가 누구인지는 알려지지 았았으며, 휴 그랜트 측은 다만 "매우 친밀한 관계를 유지하고 있다"고만 밝혔다.

휴 그랜트는 영화 '네 번의 결혼식과 한 번의 장례식'(1994)으로 스타덤에 올라 '노팅 힐'(1999), '어바웃 어 보이'(2002), '러브 액츄얼리'(2003), '브리짓 존스의일기'(2004) 등에 출연하며 영국의 대표 배우로 인기를 얻었다.

그간 한 번도 결혼한 적이 없으며 슈퍼모델 엘리자베스 헐리와 2000년 헤어지기까지 13년간 사귀었다.