The number of people struggling with depression increases every year, with women and the elderly suffering the most, the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service said Tuesday.

According to its report to Rep. Joo Seung-yong of the Democratic Party, 1,485 per 100,000 females and 637 per 100,000 males were diagnosed with depression last year.

The lion’s share was found in those in their 70s or older, followed by those between 60 and 69 years old. Most patients resided in Daejeon, Jeju and Seoul, while the figure was low in Ulsan, South Jeolla and South Gyeongsang provinces.

Joo noted that depression is a serious matter since it is the leading cause of suicide here. It accounted for 28.1 percent of suicides in 2009 and 29.5 percent in 2010.

“Women’s social status is generally low compared with that of the opposite sex, and they seem to struggle for a living. The government needs to deal with these patients systematically,” Joo said.
