Sohn Ji-ae, former presidential secretary for overseas public relations, has been appointed the new president and CEO of Arirang TV & Radio.

손지애 G20 준비위원회 대변인 인터뷰./ 안훈기자 rosedale@ 2010.04.01
Sohn Ji-ae
손지애 G20 준비위원회 대변인 인터뷰./ 안훈기자 rosedale@ 2010.04.01 Sohn Ji-ae

Sohn Ji-ae

Sohn, 48, a former CNN Seoul bureau chief who also served as the spokeswoman for the G20 preparation committee, will head the Seoul-based English broadcasting service that provides news and entertainment on Korea for the global audience.

The broad­caster, founded in 1996, operates international and domestic television ser­vices, IPTV and a radio service.
