(AP-Yonhap News)
Google Inc. and Apple Inc. are the two most sought-after foreign companies among South Korean job applicants, a market survey showed Monday, pointing to their popularity here.
According to the latest survey of 1,428 job seekers by SaraminHR Co., 16.7 percent of the respondents selected Google Korea as the most desired company to work at among foreign firms, citing the company’s corporate culture and work environment. It marked the third year in a row that Google Korea claimed the top spot, according to the operator of the job search Web portal.
Apple Korea retained its runner-up position for the second year, winning votes from 10 percent of those surveyed. The respondents said that Apple’s reputation and corporate image are the reasons they want to work for the maker of the iPhone and the iPad.
Apple made the list of the top 10 most popular foreign companies for the first time in 2010, following the iPhone’s local debut. The two U.S. tech giants were the only technology firms to make the annual list this year, reflecting their ascent in Korea with its strong acceptance of smartphones.
Sony Corp. and Nintendo Co., which previously appeared on the list in 2009, failed to lure votes from local job seekers this year.
Hygiene products maker Yuhan-Kimberly was the third-most popular with 6.4 percent, followed by 3M Korea Ltd. and Nike Sports Korea Co. Others on the list included Homeplus Co., Renault Samsung Motors Co. and Starbucks Coffee Korea Co.
(Yonhap News)
취업하고 싶은 외국계기업 1위에 구글코리아 구직자들은 외국계 기업 중 구글코리아에 입사 하는 것을 가장 선호한다는 조사 결과가 나왔다.
27일 취업포털 사람인이 구직자 1천428명을 대상으로 설문한 결과에 따르면 응답자의 16.7%가 입사하고 싶은 외국계 기업으로 구글코리아를 지목했다.
2위는 10%의 응답을 받은 애플코리아가 차지했으며 유한킴벌리(6.4%), 한국쓰리엠(6.2%), 나이키스포츠(4.3%), 홈플러스(3.6%), 르노삼성자동차(2.7%), 스타벅스 커피코리아(2.7%) 등이 뒤를 이었다.
응답자들은 외국계 기업 입사를 위해 가장 필요한 것으로 '우수한 어학능력'(51 .5%)을 가장 많이 꼽았다.
또 '외국문화 등에 대한 감각'(11.5%), '성실함과 열정'(10%), '학벌'(7%), '인턴 등 직무경험'(6%) 등을 중요한 요소로 생각하고 있었다.