Pro- and anti-Yoon rallies held at Seoul National University
University, police personnel mobilized to separate two groups with opposing views on President Yoon Suk Yeol's fate Competing rallies – one supporting and the other denouncing suspended President Yoon Suk Yeol – were held Monday at Seoul National University in Seoul, the nation’s most prestigious university and the embattled leader’s alma mater. With the dueling rallies beginning with several students and growing to a few hundred, including participants from outside of the university, a rare sce
Feb. 17, 2025
Arctic cold wave sweeps through Korea
A powerful cold wave continues to grip the country, with Wednesday’s morning lows dropping even further from the previous day, and Seoul reporting the lowest temperature of minus 11.8 degrees Celsius. Temperatures in Seoraksan dipped to as low as minus 24.1 degrees Wednesday morning, Paju saw minus 17.2 degrees. Inland areas also subzero temperatures with mercuries dropping to around minus 5 degrees in Daegu. The cold weather is due to strong northwesterly winds, formed between a cyclone in the
Feb. 5, 2025
Joint inspection begins of fire-ravaged Air Busan plane
A joint investigation began Monday morning to determine the cause of a fire aboard an Air Busan passenger plane at Gimhae International Airport in Busan. According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport's Aircraft and Railway Accident Investigation Committee, the on-site probe is being carried out by about 20 people, including Korean firefighters, police, and representatives from France's Bureau of Enquiry and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety. The French agency's inclusion foll
Feb. 3, 2025
Traditional markets bustling with Seollal shoppers
Bujeon Traditional Market in Busanjin District in Busan is bustling on Thursday, with residents purchasing fish, fruit and other items for ancestral rituals ahead of the Lunar New Year holidays. On Seollal morning, Korean families prepare a table of food to offer their ancestors in a ritual called "charye." To ease the burden of holiday expenses for consumers and encourage the consumption of local agricultural, livestock and seafood products, the Busan city government has introduced cash incenti
Jan. 23, 2025
Delivering warmth ahead of Lunar New Year
Volunteers carry holiday aid packages from the Korean Red Cross up the steep stairs of Gamcheon Culture Village in Saha District, Busan, Tuesday, a week before the Lunar New Year. According to Red Cross officials in Busan, the packages, containing steamed rice sets among others, were delivered to 1,940 underprivileged households, including elderly individuals living alone. The gifts, delivered ahead of the Jan. 28-30 holiday, are worth 52 million won in total, they said.
Jan. 21, 2025
[해커스 TOEIC] 토익 점수 Up 단어, Part 5 문제
2) 파트 5 3문제 1. Miriam is happy with her new factory assignment as it is less ------- than the previous work she was doing. (A) repetitive (B) repetitively (C) repetitiveness (D) repetition 해석 그것이 그녀가 하고 있었던 이전 업무보다 덜 반복적이기 때문에 Miriam은 자신의 새로운 공장 업무에 만족한다. 해설 보어 자리 채우기 문제 빈칸은 주격 보어 자리이므로 보어 자리에 올 수 있는 형용사 (A) 또는 명사 (C)와 (D)가 정답의 후보이다. ‘그것은 이전 업무보다 덜 반복적이다’라는 문맥이 되어야 하므로 ‘반복적인’이라는 뜻의 형용사 (A) repetitive가 정답이다. (C) repetitiveness, (D) repetition을 사용할 경우 각각 ‘그것은 이전 업무보다 더 적은 반복성이다’, ‘반복이다’라는 어색한 문맥이
Jan. 16, 2025
'We deliver democracy'
Unionized delivery workers on Monday said they will launch a five-day motorcycle procession from Busan to Seoul to call for a swift restoration of democracy from suspended President Yoon Suk Yeol’s botched Dec. 3 imposition of martial law. In a press conference held in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, representatives of the Rider Union, affiliated with Korea's largest umbrella labor union federation, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, also reiterated their demands for the implementation of mandatory ac
Jan. 13, 2025
Bracing for the cold
Morning lows in Seoul dropped to around minus 6 degrees Celsius on Tuesday, marking a sharp decline of about 7 degrees from the previous day as a cold wave sweeps across parts of South Korea. Northern regions, including Gyeonggi and Gangwon Provinces, are experiencing even colder temperatures, with Cheorwon recording minus 13.6 degrees. Other areas, such as Andong and Daejeon, are also facing subzero conditions. In the southern provinces of North and South Chungcheong, North and South Jeolla and
Jan. 7, 2025
[해커스 TOEIC] 토익 점수 Up 단어, Part 5 문제
2) 파트 5 3문제 1. According to the survey, people purchase smaller cars due to cost, but their personal ------- is for expensive sports utility vehicles. (A) advantage (B) preference (C) rejection (D) recognition 해석 조사에 따르면, 사람들은 비용 때문에 더 작은 차를 구입하지만 그들의 개인적인 선호는 비싼 SUV 자동차이다. 해설 명사 어휘 문제 ‘사람들은 비용 때문에 더 작은 차를 구입하지만 그들의 개인적인 선호는 비싼 SUV 자동차이다’라는 문맥이 되어야 하므로 ‘선호, 선택’이라는 뜻의 명사 (B) preference가 정답이다. 참고로 (A) advantage는 ‘이점’, (C) rejection은 ‘거절, 폐기’, (D) recognition은 ‘인식, 승인’의 의미임을 알아둔다. 어휘 survey 조사, 검사
Dec. 30, 2024
[김대균의 영어산책] 실수로 배우는 공부!
Even Homer nods.(원숭이도 나무에서 떨어질 때가 있다.) 이 속담에서 호머(Homer)라는 인물이 나온다. Homer는 고대 그리스의 위대한 서사시 작가로, 「일리아스(Iliad)」와 「오디세이(Odyssey)」라는 불멸의 작품을 쓴 인물이다. 그의 작품은 서양 문학의 기초가 되었으며, 그는 완벽하고 오류 없는 작가로 여겨져 왔다. 이 속담은 심지어 그도 졸아서 실수를 할 수 있다는 것을 표현한다. 호머와 같은 위대한 인물도 때로는 실수를 하거나 자신도 모르게 오류를 범할 수 있다는 것을 상징적으로 보여주는 속담이다. 비슷한 속담들은 다음과 같다. To err is human. (실수는 인간의 본성이다.) Even the best of us make mistakes. (최고의 사람들조차 실수를 한다.) Nobody is perfect. (완벽한 사람은 없다.) A stumble may prevent a fall. (작은 실수는 큰 실패를 막을 수 있다.) Mistakes
Dec. 27, 2024