The Korean Movie Database is providing free streaming of 421 classic Korean films on its mobile website for the month of November.

Users who log into the site through a smartphone or tablet PC will be able to view free classic Korean films. The streaming service will be available through paid subscriptions starting in December.

Some classic films that will be streaming for free include Im Kwon-taek’s 2000 film “Chunhyang,” Kim Ki-young’s 1972 film “Insect Woman,” and Lee Jang-ho’s 1980 film “Good Windy Days.”

The Korean Movie Database, run by the Korean Film Archive, is offering this special event to commemorate the renewal of its mobile website

The new site has been reorganized to give users easy access to more content, such as film reviews and columns written by film critics, directors, and production staff. The “Theme Keyword” tab offers a keyword film search, while the “List” tab includes various film lists that have been compiled by media organizations in the past.

By Won Ho-jung ()