North Korean Foreign Minister Choi Son-hui said Friday the current situation on the Korean Peninsula requires Pyongyang to make efforts to bolster its readiness against nuclear retaliation, noting that the reclusive regime will not change its nuclear policy.
Choe made the remark during her meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, according to a report by Sputnik, which came amid North Korean troops' possible participation in Russia's war with Ukraine.
Choe was quoted as saying by the Russian news agency that the current situation, and also future threats and challenges, "require more than ever to strengthen our modern strategic offensive nuclear weapons, as well as improve our readiness for a nuclear response."
The North Korean official also said the situation on the Korean Peninsula can become "explosive at any moment" as "the military alliance of the United States and South Korea is turning into a military alliance with a nuclear component."
Choe also said Pyongyang is confident of Russia's victory in its war with Ukraine, and that North Korea will "always stand firmly next to our Russian comrades," the Russian news agency added.
In response, the Russian foreign minister noted that "very close cooperation" has been established between Pyongyang and Moscow in terms of their "military and security services." (Yonhap)