
진행자: 김혜연, Paul Kerry

1 in 4 Korean workers extend Chuseok holiday with paid leave: survey

기사 요약: 명절에도 쉬지 못하는 한국인들, 4명 중 1명만이 추석 연휴 기간 중 유급휴가

[1] Chuseok is one of South Korea’s two biggest traditional holidays, bringing families together under the full moon to wish for a bountiful harvest and honor ancestors. But for hardworking ordinary people in Korea, the holiday's true significance perhaps lies in the rare opportunity it offers for people to escape the daily grind of their jobs.

* bountiful 많은, 풍부한

* lies in - ...에 있다.

* daily grind 매일의 지루한 일

[2] A recent survey conducted by a recruitment platform found that approximately one in four employees -- 25.7 percent -- plan on strategically sandwiching the holiday together with paid leave days to secure an extended break. The survey polled 1,055 workers online Sept. 3-4.

* polled 여론 조사를 하다

* extended (보통 때나 예상보다) 길어진[늘어난]

[3] This year, Chuseok falls on Tuesday, Sept. 17, creating a three-day public holiday stretching from Monday to Wednesday. This means that with additional days off on Thursday and Friday, workers can enjoy an extended nine-day break. However, the survey showed most people cannot afford to take advantage of this opportunity, with 57.3 percent responding they will not be taking any additional day off.

* fall on ~에 떨어지다

* stretching 늘이다, 늘어지다

* cannot afford to ~할 여유가 없다

[4] When asked about the reasons, 33.6 percent cited having too much work to do, while nearly half answered they can't take extra time off because they either feel pressure from their colleagues -- 20.7 percent -- or lack a work environment that encourages work-life balance, at 27.8 percent.

* lack 부족, 결핍

* work-life balance 일과 생활의 균형

기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240912050702

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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