진행자: 박준희, Elise Youn
Stigma, criticism follow deepfake victims
기사 요약: 딥페이크 심각성 커지면서 가해자에 대한 처벌 강화하고, 피해자를 보호해야 한다는 목소리가 많아지고 있다
[1] As hundreds of reports have been recently made to police regarding the distribution and creation of sexually explicit deepfake images and videos, calls for increased protection and stronger punishment of perpetrators are being raised in South Korea.
* Distribution: 분배 (방식), 분포
* Explicit: 명백한, 노골적인
* Call for something: ~을 필요로 하다; (공식적으로) 요구하다
* Perpetrators: (범행·과실·악행을 저지른) 가해자
[2] Deepfakes, digitally manipulated or generated photos that are impossible to distinguish from real images, have recently come under fire as local media have reported on numerous Telegram chatrooms where sexually explicit deepfake content generated and manipulated via AI was distributed. Responsible for creating the deepfakes were groups connected to specific regions, university campuses, middle and high schools and military units.
* Distinguish: 구별하다
* Come under fire: 비판을 받다
* Numerous: 많은
* Manipulate: 조종하다; 다루다
[3] Following a recent surge of media reports as well as reports made by the victims of the crime to the police, some online comments have been spotted claiming the general public and the government are “overreacting” to deepfake pornography.
* Following: (시간상으로) 그 다음의
* Surge: 급증
* Spotted: 발견하다
* Overreact: 과잉 반응을 보이다
[4] On online forum websites such as DC Inside, multiple posts written recently were also found claiming that the controversy over deepfake pornography here has been “blown out of proportion.” One post even read, “It’s more of a bummer that technology hasn’t advanced enough to make (deepfake pornography) better,” while several other posts made derogatory comments about the victims and female activists who recently took part in protests against deepfake pornography.
* Controversy: 논란
* Blow out of proportion: 필요 이상으로 과장되다
* Bummer: 실망
* Derogatory: 비판적인
기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240904050626
기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240904050626
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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