진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer
South Korea's Paris Olympics triumph: 13 golds secure historic success
Weapon sports dominate as S. Korea achieves best summer Olympics performance in 12 years
기사 요약: 2024 파리올림픽에서 13개 금메달 획득해 '베이징·런던 올림픽 타이' 역사 쓴 선수단
[1] South Korea's Olympic team, comprising 144 athletes across 21 events, achieved at least 13 gold medals at the 2024 Paris Olympics, placing seventh overall, with athletes in shooting, fencing and archery playing pivotal roles in the country's success.
comprise …으로 구성되다[이뤄지다]
pivotal 중심(축)이 되는
[2] Despite sending its smallest delegation since 1976, South Korea marked the nation's first double-digit gold medal haul in a Summer Olympics since the 2012 London Games.
delegation (조직·국가 등의 의사를 대표하는) 대표단
haul 많은 점수[득점]
[3] South Korea's record-breaking achievement in gold medals was largely due to the outstanding performances of athletes in the so-called "weapon sports" categories. Out of the 13 gold medals won by the South Korean team, 10 were secured in shooting, fencing and archery events.
outstanding 뛰어난, 걸출한
secured 얻어 내다, 획득[확보]하다
[4] On the opening day of the Olympics, shooters Park Ha-jun and Keum Ji-hyeon displayed exceptional teamwork to win a silver medal in the 10-meter air rifle, making them the first South Korean medalists in the Olympics. The following day, in the women's 10-meter air pistol shooting, Oh Ye-jin won a gold medal, while Kim Ye-ji secured a silver medal.
display 전시[진열]하다, 내보이다
exceptional 이례적일 정도로 우수한, 특출한
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240811050119
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404
팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638