진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn
Trump shot in ear at campaign rally
기사요약: 11월 미국 대선을 3개월여 앞둔 13일 공화당 대선 후보인 도널드 트럼프 전 대통령의 야외 유세 도중에 그를 겨냥한 총격 사건이 발생했다.
[1] Donald Trump was shot in the ear during a Saturday campaign rally, in an attack that left the Republican presidential candidate's face streaked with blood and prompting his security agents to swarm him, before he emerged and pumped his fist in the air, mouthing the words "Fight! Fight! Fight!"
*prompt: 즉각적인, 지체 없는
*swarm: 떼[무리]를 지어 다니다
[2] The shooter was dead, one rally attendee was killed and two other spectators were injured, the Secret Service said in a statement. The incident was being investigated as an assassination attempt.
*spectator: 관중
*injure: 부상을 입다[입히다]
*attempt: 시도
[3] Law enforcement officials told reporters they had tentatively identified a suspected shooter but were not ready to do so publicly. They also said they not yet identified a motive.
*tentatively: 시험[실험]적으로, 망설이며
*motive: 동기, 이유
[4] Trump, 78, had just started his speech when the shots rang out. He grabbed his right ear with his right hand, then brought his hand down to look at it before dropping to his knees behind the podium before Secret Service agents swarmed and covered him.
*podium: (연설자·지휘자 등이 올라서는) 단
기사원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240714050188