진행자: 김혜연, Paul Kerry
[From the Scene] Korean Air's new operations center highlights full commitment to safety
기사 요약: 합병 앞둔 대한항공, 전면 개편한 종합통제센터 (OCC) 최초 공개
[1] Korean Air has unveiled its newly revamped Operations and Customer Center after 23 years, emphasizing the airline's increased focus on risk management in light of variables such as the merger with Asiana Airlines and the introduction of newer aircraft.
revamp 개조[수리]하다
variable 변화를 줄[변경할] 수 있는
[2] "Air operations are possible only when real-time communications, from transportation to operation to cabin maintenance, are smoothly organized and seamlessly prepared," said Korean Air President Woo Kee-hong during press conference held Thursday morning at the company's headquarters in Gimpo. "The public often regards 'service' as the core of airline operations, but more than 80 percent of Korean Air's 20,000 employees are involved in ‘safety’ related mission. This shows our high level of awareness and technological prowess in safe operations," Woo added.
maintenance 유지, 보존, 간수
prowess 기량[솜씨]
[3] The company showcased key facilities for safe operation throughout the conference, including the OCC, maintenance hangars, cabin training centers and aviation medical centers. As of May, Korean Air has a fleet of 161 aircraft, including 138 passenger planes and 23 cargo planes, servicing 110 cities in 39 countries.
hangar 격납고
fleet 함대, 선단
[4] Korean Air is awaiting the last approval from US authorities for its merger with Asiana Airlines, Korea's second-largest domestic carrier. If granted, of which the airline expects to be decided by the end of this year, the merger could position Korean Air as one of the world's top ten mega-carriers, according to industry reports.
await (…을) 기다리다
carrier 항공사, 수송[운송]회사
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240523050664
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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