진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn
Mystery deepens after hundreds of cat deaths in S. Korea
기사요약: 최근 고양이들이 신경질환 등 증상을 보이다 급사했다는 신고가 잇따랐지만 원인이 밝혀지지 않아 반려인들이 불안감을 호소하고 있다.
[1] A wave of unexplained cat deaths has sparked a dispute between pet owners and authorities in South Korea, with owners unconvinced that the pet food thought to be at the center of the controversy was not to blame.
*dispute: 분쟁, 분규; 논란, 논쟁
*controversy: 논란
[2] According to local animal activist groups Life and Myoeon, a total of 513 cases of cats displaying similar symptoms -- acute neuromuscular diseases, high fever, elevated liver enzymes and kidney failure -- have been documented as of May 12. Of the affected animals, 181 have died.
*symptom: 증상
*acute: (질병이) 급성의
[3] The activists, citing owners, claimed that all affected felines have consumed cat food made by a single manufacturer from January to April this year. The manufacturer accused is a contract-based producer behind nearly 30 pet food products from various brands.
*felines: 고양이, 고양잇과 동물
*manufacturer: 제조자 [사]
[4] The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, however, found no correlation between the deaths and the suspected cat food in its investigation. It tested over 50 pet food samples currently available, including those suspected by cat owners, for 78 toxic substances, seven viruses and two types of parasites and germs.
*correlation: 연관성, 상관관계
기사원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240517050765
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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