
Pending Bill: Special Act on the Expansion of the National Power Grid

Proposed by Kim Sung-won (People Power Party)

● The evolving electricity production and high-tech industries have called for expanding the national power grid to address the increased supply of renewable energy and the need for a long-distance power transmission network.

In particular, the success of new investments in high-tech industries, such as the Yongin Semiconductor Cluster, hinges significantly on preparing special measures to supply electricity to the capital area, including the establishment of a long-distance power transmission network. Delays in the construction of a key power grid can result in operational limitations in power plants, leading to increased instability in electricity supply and damages to relevant business operators. Ultimately, this could result in a contraction in the general power industry ecosystem. Moreover, if power utility instability causes power outages in important production areas for key products where a stable 24-hour power supply is crucial, such as steel or petrochemical production areas, it could result in damages of billions of won or more, and have a detrimental impact on the general key strategic industry ecosystem and national industries.

Therefore, this Amendment proposes the legislation of a special act that provides comprehensive support, through policy and systems, for the timely construction of a power grid, which is directly linked to ensuring competitiveness in national, economic, security, and high-tech industries. This includes establishing a comprehensive support system for the timely construction of national power grid infrastructure, improving approval procedures for swiftly promoting relevant businesses and providing compensation and support, distinct from existing laws, to minimize damage to the public.

Promulgated Bill: Enforcement Rule of the Act on the Promotion of Saving and Recycling of Resources

Competent Ministry: Ministry of Environment

● This bill introduces provisions regarding recycled raw materials to encourage their use and allows producers to indicate on their products the percentage of their raw materials that come from recycled sources. It also excludes paper cups from the scope of disposable products subject to usage restrictions or free-of-charge provision prohibitions at meal service facilities or food service businesses under the Food Sanitation Act to alleviate the burden on relevant business operators and rationalize regulations regarding disposable paper cups.

Administrative Announcement: Partial Amendment to the Regulations on Housing Construction Standards

Competent Ministry: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

● This amendment aims to specify the detailed matters delegated by the Presidential Decree in accordance with the amended Housing Act (Promulgated on January 16, 2024, and enforced on July 17, 2024), which mandates project entities to notify future residents of the performance test results for inter-floor noise.

Therefore, this amendment mandates constructors to notify future residents of the performance test results for inter-floor noise. It also exempts wooden structural multi-family housing floors from the obligation to use concrete slabs that comply with thickness standards to promote the use of eco-friendly construction materials.


The Korea Herald republishes a weekly legislative report by local law firm DR & AJU LLC to provide the latest information on bills approved, proposed, pending and set to be promulgated. -- Ed.


For any queries about the bills, contact cr@draju.com.