President Yoon Seok Yul visits a classroom at Ain Elementary School in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, on March 29, as a one-day special teacher, part of the government's after-school program initiative. (Presidential Office)
President Yoon Seok Yul visits a classroom at Ain Elementary School in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, on March 29, as a one-day special teacher, part of the government's after-school program initiative. (Presidential Office)

진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn

Korea to cut no. of teachers amid diminishing student numbers

기사 요약: 출생에 따른 학령인구 감소가 본격화하면서 신규교사 채용 규모가 축소된 데 이어 '예비 교사'를 길러내는 교육대학교 정원까지 줄어들게 됐다.

[1] Amid administrative efforts to increase the annual enrollment quota for medical schools that sparked the mass walk-out of doctors across the country, the government said it would reduce the number of school teachers going forward, citing a decline in student numbers.

*administrative: 관리(행정)상의

*enrollment: 입학; 등록

*walk-out: 파업

[2] The enrollment quota for teachers' colleges, which has remained unchanged for 13 years, will be reduced by 12 percent, the Education Ministry said. The reduction plan comes amid rising concerns over the employment of teachers, as the number of graduates from teaching colleges exceeds the number of teaching places available at elementary schools.

*employment: 고용, 취업

*exceed: (특정한 수량을) 넘다

[3] The number of newly hired teachers this year declined by over 50 percent compared to 2014, but the enrollment quota for related universities has remained stable over the same period. The acceptance rate for the appointment of new teachers fell to 43.6 percent this year, down from 63.9 percent in 2018.

*related: (…에) 관련된

*acceptance: (제의 등을) 받아들임 [수락]

[4] This "appointment crisis" comes as more than 150 elementary schools across the nation had no new first graders enrolling this year. Some 369,000 children enrolled at elementary school this year, the lowest number of new first graders since the government started recording such statistics in 1970.

*statistics: 통계


[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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