A Sephora store at IFC Mall in Seoul's Yeouido closed in March last year. (Sephora Korea)
A Sephora store at IFC Mall in Seoul's Yeouido closed in March last year. (Sephora Korea)

진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer

Sephora exits Korea after years of losses

기사 요약: 글로벌 화장품 편집샵 세포라, 한국 시장 적자 끝에 철수

[1] French cosmetics retailer Sephora, owned by LVMH Group, on Tuesday declared its withdrawal from the Korean market, following years of financial losses.

- declare 선언, 선포하다

- withdrawal 철회, 철수

[2] "With heavy hearts, we have decided to cease operations in Korea. From May 6, we will gradually wind down our presence across online platforms, mobile applications and physical stores, ultimately withdrawing completely from the market," a social media post by Sephora Korea announced Tuesday.

- cease 중단되다, 그치다; 중단시키다

- wind down 서서히 멈추다

[3] Sephora said that it will fulfill pending orders within six days from the specified date and maintain customer service operations until mid August. The membership-based Beauty Pass points service is to expire on May 6.

- fulfill 충족시키다, 수행하다

- pending 미결의, 미확정의

Despite the ambitious flagship opening of its first store at the Parnas Mall in Seoul's posh Gangnam neighborhood in October 2019, attracting long lines on its first day, Sephora's presence in Korea lasted less than five years.

- ambitious (사람이) 야심 있는, (일이) 야심적인

- posh (값 비싸고) 우아한, 화려한

[4] First, the pandemic severely affected operations in Korea, rendering the strategy of experiential stores ineffective.

- render (어떤 상태가 되게) 만들다[하다]

- experiential 경험에 의한

기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240320050618

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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