진행자: 간형우, Ali Abbot

Fake news on soccer star generated W700m: report

기사 요약: 축구선수 이강인 관련 가짜 뉴스 영상이 유튜브에서 7천만 조회수를 기록하며 7억원 정도의 수익 발생됐다는 인공지능 기업의 보고서

[1] YouTube videos carrying fake news about controversy-ridden soccer star Lee Kang-in are thought to have generated up to 700 million won ($523,000) in profit in the two weeks after his alleged altercation with Son Heung-min became public, a report by an advertising consulting firm claimed Sunday.

*-ridden: ~에 시달리는

*alleged: 추정된, 제기된

*altercation: 언쟁, 격론

[2] Lee, a 23-year-old player for Paris Saint-Germain, was subject to nationwide criticism when it was reported that he had allegedly fought with the South Korean national men's soccer team captain Son Heung-min during the Asian Cup 2023.

*be subject to ~: ~의 대상이다

[3] Public disdain for Lee receded when Lee said on Feb. 22 that he had apologized to Son in person in London, and the Tottenham Hotspur star asked the public to forgive his younger teammate from the national squad.

*disdain: 업신여김, 경멸

*recede: 물러나다, 희미해지다

[4] But over the two weeks since the quarrel went public last month, 361 videos carrying completely false information about Lee have been uploaded on YouTube, garnering a total of 69.4 million views on the online video-sharing platform, according to an estimate by Pyler, an AI-based digital advertising solutions company, which analyzed the videos uploaded Feb. 14-27.

*quarrel: 다툼

*garner: 얻다, 모으다

기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240303050074

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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