Korean-style fried chicken is sold at a local convenience store in Seoul, Dec. 26. (Yonhap)
Korean-style fried chicken is sold at a local convenience store in Seoul, Dec. 26. (Yonhap)

진행자: 간형우, Ali Abbot

Fried chicken voted most popular K-food overseas

기사 요약: 해외 18개 도시서 한식 소비자 조사 실시한 결과 가장 좋아하는 음식은 ‘한국식 치킨’

[1] Korean-style fried chicken was selected as the favorite Korean food outside of Korea, according to the results of a government survey announced Thursday.

*result: 결과

[2] In an international study involving some 9,000 people living in 18 major cities across the world, officials investigated the global perception of Korean food.

*involve: 포함하다, 관련되다, 참여하다

*investigate: 조사하다, 수사하다

*perception: 지각, 인식

[3] The study excluded anyone of Korean descent and surveyed people in New York, Toronto, Paris, London, Beijing, Tokyo, Bangkok, Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and Rio de Janeiro.

*exclude: 제외하다

*descent: 혈통, 내리막

[4] About 16.5 percent of the respondents said their favorite Korean food was Korean-style chicken, referring to a popular local style of fried chicken served with or without various sauces.

*respondent: 응답자

*refer to: ~을 언급하다, 지칭하다

기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240105000684

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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