"Mars and I"
By Bae Myung-hoon
Rabbit Hole
In Bae Myung-hoon’s latest adventure into the world of science fiction, the red planet Mars takes center stage. The author of the bestselling novels, “Tower,” “Launch Something!” and “Future Past Tense” has been at the vanguard of the science fiction genre in Korea for the past decade amid its growing popularity.
In the compilation of short stories titled, "Mars and I," Bae weaves six tales, all centered around Martians striving to establish optimal government systems for building a new civilization.
In 2020, Bae started a research project upon a request from the Foreign Ministry exploring human settlement on Mars. The writer shifts from academia to literature, posing questions about the challenges of settling on Mars. He blends his imaginative prowess with insights drawn from his expertise in political systems and power dynamics.
The Martian society portrayed in the stories is comprised of individuals who initially relocated from Earth for exploration and colonization, but gradually transformed into immigrants. The stories present a plausible vision of Martian civilization that could emerge if an actual migration were to occur.
Bae writes in the author’s note that his intention was not to provide definitive answers but to raise questions.
Envisioning a future where these questions hold significance, the author unfolds new systems and adventures on the unfamiliar terrain of a distant planet.