A silver-gilt Lamaistic pagoda-shaped sarira reliquary from the 13th-century Goryeo era, which is currently in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (Courtesy of Hyemun)
A silver-gilt Lamaistic pagoda-shaped sarira reliquary from the 13th-century Goryeo era, which is currently in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (Courtesy of Hyemun)

진행자: 김혜연, Naomi Ng

1. S. Korea, Thailand to work to resolve entry denial claims

기사 요약: 정부, 태국과 체류 및 입국 심사 불만 문제 논의할 의사 밝혀

[1] South Korea and Thailand are to jointly address the growing number of undocumented residents of Thai nationality here in response to complaints of some regular Thai travelers being denied entry to Korea.

- undocumented residents 미등록 거주자들

[2] Seoul's Foreign Ministry said in a statement Saturday that First Vice Minister Chang Ho-jin proposed holding a bilateral consular strategic meeting with Thailand to discuss "issues related to Thais' visa status in and entry into Korea," without elaborating on the timeframe.

- consular 영사(관)

- timeframe 기간

[3] The proposal came during Chang's annual meeting with Thailand's Permanent Secretary of Foreign Affairs Sarun Charoensuwan in Bangkok, Thailand, Friday. Chang was quoted as saying by the Thai local media that Seoul had already introduced measures to tackle a surge in the number of Thais living in South Korea illegally, including granting amnesty to illegal workers if they leave voluntarily. He added that the country currently has an annual quota for 4,800 Thai laborers to come to work in Korea.

- quoted as saying 인용된, 발췌된

- amnesty 사면

[4] A string of social media posts about experiences of being denied entry to Korea and deported -- despite proof of accommodation and a return ticket -- prompted a backlash over the past week. Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin earlier Tuesday vowed to look into the issue.

- prompt 즉각적인, 지체 없는

- vowed 맹세[서약]하다

기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20231105000144

2. Talks on Goryeo artifact's repatriation resume a decade later

기사 요약: 보스턴 미술관 고려시대 사리구 반환협상, 2009년 결렬된 후 올해 재개 조짐

[1] Discussions on the return to Korea of the silver-gilt Lamaistic pagoda-shaped sarira reliquary dating back to the 13th century in the Goryeo era, which is currently on exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, are set to resume, 10 years after the previous talks fell through.

- reliquary 성유물함

- fall through 완료[실현]되지 못하다

[2] Hyemun, a former Buddhist monk and the leader of a non-profit civic group dedicated to repatriating cultural heritage, emphasized the need to restart discussions and focus on bringing the sarira back to Korea, in a phone interview with The Korea Herald on Tuesday. "Because of the (Cultural Heritage Administration's) refusal in 2009, we have to start talks again from zero, and ask for the sarira to be returned, which could have been done earlier," Hyemun said.

- dedicated to -에 전념하는, 헌신하는

- refusal 거절, 거부

[3] On Monday, Hyemun issued a press release announcing that he had set up a meeting with the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, on Tuesday to negotiate the relic's return.

- issue 발표[공표]하다

- negotiate 성사시키다, 타결하다

[4] Efforts to repatriate the artifact began in 2003, according to the Cultural Heritage Administration. In 2009, the museum inquired as to whether South Korea would accept only the sarira without the reliquary. The CHA responded that it would not consider receiving the sarira separately, as the reliquary and the sarira together hold cultural significance. Meanwhile, the CHA told The Korea Herald on Tuesday that talks resumed in late April, after a visit by South Korean first lady Kim Keon Hee to the museum.

- inquire 문의하다, 묻다

- hold significance ~에 의미가 있다

기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20231107000616

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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