진행자: 홍유, Beth Eunhee Hong
1. From ‘Parasite’ actor to chaebol scion, drug use back in spotlight
기사 요약: 마약 투약 혐의로 내사를 받고 있는 배우 이선균이 이번 주 중 경찰에 소환돼 조사를 받을 예정이다.
[1] Lee Sun-kyun, known for his role in Oscar-winning movie “Parasite,” could be summoned for questioning sometime this week, reports said Sunday, citing police, as part of an expanding investigation into suspected drug use involving the actor and seven others.
*summon: 소환하다, 호출하다, 소집하다
[2] According to the reports, police are also considering a warrant to take a hair sample from the 48-year-old for drug testing in case he refuses to comply. The police probe is still at an internal stage, a precursor to a formal criminal investigation, and is assessing whether to follow up on allegations of his involvement in illegal drug use this year.
*warrant: 영장
*comply: 따르다
*precursor: 선도자
[3] Lee is reported to have used unspecified illicit substances at escort bars and residential areas in southern Seoul’s Gangnam area on several occasions this year, according to reports.
*unspecified: 명시되지 않은
*illicit: 불법의, 사회의 통념에 어긋나는
[4] Lee is one of eight people subject to the investigation. The others include Han Seo-hee, a K-pop trainee who came to public attention in 2017 for smoking cannabis with former Big Bang bandmate T.O.P at his apartment, and Hwang Ha-na, the granddaughter of the founder of Namyang Dairy Products. The two are also suspected of using drugs at adult entertainment facilities linked to the actor, according to reports. The names of others have not yet been revealed.
*founder: 창립자
기사원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20231022000110
2. Samsung, Hyundai ink first EV battery deal
기사 요약: 삼성SDI는 오는 2026년부터 2032년까지 7년간 현대차의 차세대 유럽향 전기차에 들어갈 배터리를 공급한다.
[1] Samsung SDI said Monday it has clinched a deal to supply electric vehicle batteries for Hyundai Motor Group – the first battery partnership between the two chaebol groups.
*clinch: 성사시키다
[2] Under the deal, Samsung SDI will supply prismatic batteries produced at its Hungary plant for Hyundai EVs made in Europe for seven years, from 2026 through 2032.
*prismatic: 각형
*plant: 공장
[3] Although the exact size of the deal was not disclosed immediately, industry sources predict that Samsung SDI could supply batteries to power up to 500,000 high-performance EVs.
* predict: 예측하다
[4] The nickel, manganese and cobalt, or NCM, battery product, dubbed “P6,” is the sixth-generation prismatic battery under development. It boasts high energy density based on 91 percent nickel in cathode and silicon-based anode materials, Samsung SDI said.
*be dubbed~: ~로 불리다
*boast: 뽐내다
*density: 밀도, 농도
기사원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20231023000614
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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