진행자: 김혜연, Naomi Ng
1. 2m Koreans opt out of life-extending treatments
요약: 임종 과정 중 무의미한 연명의료를 받지 않겠다는 사전연명의료의향서 서약자가 내달 200만명을 넘어설 것으로 예상된다.
[1] Nearly two million individuals in Korea have formally declined life-extending medical interventions, choosing instead to prioritize their right to die with dignity when suffering from a terminal condition, data showed Sunday.
*life-extension 연명, 생명 연장
*dignity 위엄, 존엄
*terminal 말기의, 불치의
[2] Data from the National Agency for Management of Life-Sustaining Treatment reveals that as of the end of August, 1,941,231 people have filed an advance health care directive to abstain from life-saving medical assistance since the system's inception in February 2018.
*directive 의향서, 지시, 훈시
*abstain from …을 삼가다[그만두다]
[3] Judging from the current monthly growth rate, the number is projected to exceed two million in October. Five and half years have passed since the so-called "Death with Dignity Act" came into effect in Korea in February 2018. The act enabled people to refuse life-prolonging medical treatment.
*so-called 소위, 이른바
*enable …을 할 수 있게 하다
[4] Any adult over the age of 19 can register for the advance medical directive detailing treatment plans in the case of terminal illness, which they can also withdraw from at any time. Currently, four types of treatment -- cardiopulmonary resuscitation, use of artificial respiration, hemodialysis and administration of anti-cancer drugs -- are categorized as life-extension care by the government.
*respiration 호흡
*anti-cancer drug 항암제
기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20230924000091&ACE_SEARCH=1
2. Govt. to survey spending on private education of preschoolers, Suneung retakers
요약: 교육부는 영유아 및 n수생의 사교육비 절감 대책과 공교육 내실화 방안을 마련하기 위해 이들의 사교육 실패 타악에 내년부터 나설 계획이라 발표했다.
[1] South Korea's official data on parental spending for their children's education has long faced criticism for overlooking two significant aspects: expenditures prior to the commencement of public education and those occurring after its completion.
*overlook 못 보고 넘어가다, 간과하다
*expenditure 지출; 비용, 경비
[2] To address these concerns and better assess the financial burden on parents, the Ministry of Education plans to look into the cost of “private education” of preschool children and high school graduates who are studying to retake the national college entrance exam, known as the Suneung.
*address 전달하다, 연설하다
*burden 부담, 짐
*retake 다시 치르다, 재시험
[3] Private education in Korea refers to all forms of learning outside of the formal state curriculum. The ministry said it will survey some 15,000 parents next year on how much they spend for their preschool children’s education outside of the regular Korean-language kindergartens that follow the state curriculum.
*refer to …에 돌리다, 회부하다, 언급[지칭]하다
*formal 격식을 차린, 정중한
기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20230924000138&ACE_SEARCH=1