The Gwacheon National Science Museum will host a special super blue moon observation event on Aug. 31.
A super blue moon is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the "super moon" and "blue moon" phenomena coincide.
A super moon is a full moon that appears when the moon is at its closest approach to the Earth. It can be observed 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than an average full moon.
A blue Moon is the second full moon to occur within a single month. This phenomenon happens roughly every two and a half years, resulting in two full moons in a single month.
Observing both the super moon and blue moon simultaneously is a rare event. The most recent occurrence was on Jan. 31, 2018, and the next one is expected on Jan. 31, 2037, a gap of 14 years.
During the event at the Gwacheon National Science Museum, there will be lectures on "Everything about the Super Blue Moon," along with observation sessions. Various activities are also planned, including creating a personal constellation mug and making a moon mood lamp.
For more detailed information, you can visit the Gwacheon National Science Museum's website.