Statue of King Sejong in Gwanghwamun Plaza, central Seoul
Statue of King Sejong in Gwanghwamun Plaza, central Seoul

진행자: 조혜림, Naomi Ng

1. [Hello Hangeul] Are slang terms and abbreviations degrading the Korean language?

기사요약: '케파케'란 '케이스 바이 케이스'라는 영어 표현의 한국식 줄임말로 상황마다 다르다라는 뜻이며 요새 유행하는 약어 중 하나다. 이렇게 다양한 은어와 줄임말들이 등장하며 세대 간 소통이 어려워지는 상황도 종종 발생하는데 이러한 현상이 과연 국어를 훼손하진 않을지 짚어본다.

[1] When Cha Mi-joo asked about her 14-year-old son's opinion on his school lunch, he nonchalantly shrugged and gave a one-word response, "kebake."

She had to ask what he meant, because the term didn't align with her knowledge of the Korean language.

*nonchalantly: 차분히, 태연하게

*shrug: (어깨를) 으쓱하다

*align: 나란히 만들다, 조정하다

[2] However, this phenomenon is not confined to Korea, and there are those who see it as part of the evolution of all languages.

Others, however, express concern that it could lead to a potential erosion of the language’s richness and heritage, in which its more intricate and nuanced linguistic constructions are replaced with “simpler” ones.

*confine: 국한시키다, 얽매이다, 가두다

*erosion: 부식, 침식, 붕괴

*intricate: 복잡한

*nuanced: 미묘한 차이, 뉘앙스가 반영된

[3] Lee claimed that the adoption of slang terms and abbreviations is natural for every language, but the pace of their introduction in the internet age is “too fast.” The current pace could lead to a communication block among generations and ultimately discrimination against those who fail to catch up.

*slang: 속어, 은어

*discrimination: 차별

기사 원문:

2. How rich is the top 1% in Korea?

기사요약: 최근 대한민국 상위 1%의 부자가 되려면 순자산으로 29억여원을 가져야한다는 통계가 나왔다 (2021년 기준). 과연 상위 1%의 연봉과 은퇴나이는 얼마나 될까?

[1] People in South Korea's top 1 percent net asset bracket had at least around 3 billion won ($2.26 million) in net assets in 2021, according to a local insurance firm’s report, Sunday.

Net assets refer to the value of a person’s assets such as houses, cars, investments and cash, minus liabilities.

*net asset: 순자산

*bracket: 괄호, 등급 범위

*liabilities: 부채

[2] The average income of households in the top 1 percent came to 215 million won, 3.5 times higher than the annual median household income of 61.2 million won.

*household: 가정, 가구

*median: 중간값:

[3] The minimum monthly cost of living for the top 1 percenters came to 3.59 million won, the data also showed.

Meanwhile, the average retirement age of the people in the top 1 percent bracket was 70.7, higher than the overall retirement age of 68.2.

*cost of living: 생활비

*retirement: 은퇴

*overall: 전반적인, 전체의

기사 원문:

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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