Models pose with the new Hanmac, the upgraded version of Oriental Brewery's Korean rice-based lager, at a promotional event held in Seoul on Monday. (Oriental Brewery)
Models pose with the new Hanmac, the upgraded version of Oriental Brewery's Korean rice-based lager, at a promotional event held in Seoul on Monday. (Oriental Brewery)

South Korea’s top brewer, Oriental Brewery, said Wednesday it is releasing an upgraded version of Hanmac, its Korean rice-based lager beer that made its grand debut in 2021.

Hanmac was launched as “Korea’s most representative lager project” to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the nation’s beer history. Being loved for its unique refreshing flavor and softness, the beer is making a comeback under the slogan, “Smooth Korea.”

The brewer said the new Hanmac boasts upgraded softness and long-lasting form by using a four-step microfiltration process.

The Korea-made lager has also earned recognition overseas. Last year, the beer was named a winner of the Superior Taste Awards, one of the most prestigious beer tasting events held by Belgium-based International Taste Institute, a feat for the second consecutive year.

"We carried out a drastic upgrade for Hanmac especially in terms of packaging and beer head,” said Seo Hye-yeon, senior vice president at OB’s marketing division. “We wanted to come up with a true K-lager with upgraded softness.”

The new Hanmac will be available in phases from Monday through supermarkets, convenience stores and bars nationwide.