Today’s election is a showdown between Lee Jae-myung and Yoon Suk-yeol, who each represent the country’s liberal and conservative political forces.

Here’s what the two candidates said on Facebook early Wednesday, as polls opened nationwide to elect the next president of South Korea.

Lee Jae-myung of Democratic Party of Korea said:

“There’s only one day left.

The election result is going to be neck and neck.

The outcome can be determined by only thousands, or even hundreds, of votes.

… Tonight, I will greet you as the 20th president of the Republic of Korea. Thank you.”

Yoon Suk-yeol of People Power Party said:

“I still have lingering feelings from yesterday. I was deeply impressed by your overwhelming support despite the rigorous schedule traveling throughout Jeju, Busan, Daegu, Daejeon and Seoul.

Regimental change will come only through voting. Voting makes changes. Voting brings victory.”