French Ambassador Philippe Lefort delivers a speech on France’s national day on July 14. (Screen capture from a YouTube video shared by the French Embassy in Seoul)
French Ambassador Philippe Lefort delivers a speech on France’s national day on July 14. (Screen capture from a YouTube video shared by the French Embassy in Seoul)

The French Embassy in Seoul and French Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry celebrated France’s national day here on July 14.

In a YouTube video released on the day, also known as Bastille Day, French Ambassador Philippe Lefort stressed on the important role youths play in boosting bilateral relations.

Lefort said the young people of France are ambitious, enterprising, generous and curious, and have expressed an increasing interest in exploring the opportunities Korea has to offer.

More young people from France, like a growing number of young Koreans who go to France, are coming to Korea to live, study and work, he said.

FKCCI Chairman David-Pierre Jalicon said, “Who better than a new generation of French people choosing Korea as an important stage in their professional and personal life, does reflect the dynamism and the future of our bilateral relations?”

France’s International Internship in a Company program allows young people aged between 18 to 28 to gain professional experience at a French company or institution based in Korea for six to 24 months.

Young French nationals can also choose to participate in end-of-study internships, go on working holiday or start their business here.

To highlight the presence of young French professionals in Korea, the embassy will release a series of interviews with three of them who have chosen to work and live here.

The interviews will be released on the embassy’s and chamber’s social networks each week throughout the summer.

“The interview will strengthen French-Korean relations and be a source of inspiration for French people who wish to carry out their projects in Korea,” the embassy said.