진행자: 임현수, Brolley Genster
1. How Minecraft became R-rated game in S. Korea
요약: 청소년 및 어린이들 사이에서 인기있는 게임 마인크래프트가 ‘셧다운제’ 때문에 ‘성인용’이 될 처지에 놓여 논란에 관련 정부부처가 휩싸였다.
[1] Minecraft is a 3D computer game where players can build anything. Often described as “online Legos,” the bestselling video game of all time involves building blocks and creating structures across different environments and terrains.
*best-selling: 잘팔리는 *video game: 컴퓨터 및 콘솔 게임 *terrain: 지형
[2] In South Korea, however, the rather harmless game developed by Mojang Studios in 2009 is now only available for players 19 years of age and older.
*harmless: 무해한 *rather: 꽤, 상당히 *and older: ~세 이상
[3] Frustrated users are directing their anger at the country’s “shutdown law,” which blocks children under the age of 16 from playing online video games between midnight and 6 a.m. to protect them from side effects of playing games late at night and losing sleep.
*direct something at: ~에 향해서 겨냥하다 *side effects: 부작용 *lose sleep: 잠을 못 자다 [4] When Korea introduced the game regulation back in 2011, it posed technical challenges to global game companies. Establishing a new system that can filter out users of a certain age at a certain period of time in Korea might cause irrevocable damage to old servers.
*regulation: 규제 *pose: 제기하다 *irrevocable: 변경할 수 없는
[5] Instead of launching new servers dedicated to Korea, Microsoft simply changed its policy in 2012 and asked Korean users to certify through Xbox Live -- Microsoft’s online service for gaming -- that they are 19 years or older if they want to play Microsoft games.
*certify: 증명하다 *gaming: 게임하기
기사원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20210704000171
2. S. Korea excluded from Italy’s quarantine-free travel scheme
요약: 이탈리아 정부가 외국인 입국 시 자가격리 의무를 일본 및 유럽연합 회원국 상대로 해제하기로 결정한 반면 한국은 유지하기로 해 불만의 목소리가 나오고 있다.
It may take more time for South Korean people to travel to Italy without a 10-day quarantine requirement as the nation has been excluded from an initial list of countries that are subject to the Italian government’s new quarantine-free travel scheme, called certificazione verde, or green pass.
*be subject to: ~의 대상이 되다 *initial: 초반의 *scheme: 계획
Starting this month, quarantine-free travel is allowed in Italy for people from the US, Canada, Israel and Japan as well as those from EU countries if they present a digital health certificate that proves they have been fully vaccinated, tested negative or recovered from COVID-19.
*fully: 완전히 *-free: ~없는 *present: 주다
Korea’s Foreign Ministry had also sought to get the green pass, but the request was not accepted. Korea reportedly asked the Italian government to include Korea, citing its successful control of the coronavirus pandemic and strong travel demand.
*seek to: ~하려 하다 *reportedly: 전하는 바에 의하면 Under Italy’s own quarantine rules, Korea is one of the lowest-risk countries, along with Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Thailand. Italy is one of the most popular tourist destinations for travelers here, with almost 1 million Korean people visiting the country every year.
*low-risk: 리스크가 낮은 *one of: ~중에 하나 *destination: 목적지 *along with: ~와 함께
기사원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20210705000733
아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2
네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404
팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638