If emissions continue at the current rate, the Earth has about six years and 235 days before the effects of global warming become irreversible. That is what the Climate Clock installed on the roof of Herald Corp. headquarters shows as of June.
To turn back the Climate Clock, Herald Corp. has a new mission: to address environmental problems and the climate crisis. As the first step, we are launching an annual H.eco Forum to provide a platform for insights and solutions to the climate emergency.
Starting with keynote speeches by renowned futurist Gerd Leonhard and former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the forum’s three sessions will explore the role of governments, businesses and individuals in fighting climate change.
The impressive lineup of speakers includes Yun Sun-jin, co-chairperson of Korea’s 2050 Carbon Neutrality Commission; Juan Manuel Santos, former president of Colombia; John Murton, the UK government’s envoy for COP26; Matthias Bausenwein, president of Orsted Asia-Pacific; Sam Kimmins, head of RE100; Oh Jeong-hwa, director at Sustainability Division, Amorepacific; climate activist Yoon Hyeon-jeong and American rapper Prince Ea.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s forum will be held online.
Those who wish to join can preregister on the H.eco website, heraldeco.com. The event will also be livestreamed on the H.eco YouTube channel at https://bit.ly/33dCF4G. English-Korean interpretation will be provided.
By Ock Hyun-ju (laeticia.ock@heraldcorp.com)
▶ Date: June 10, 9:30 a.m. to 4:40 p.m. ▶ Location: Multipurpose Hall Forest at Nodeulseom, Seoul ▶ Theme: We Face the Climate Clock ▶ Inquiries: (02) 727-0045, 0043