진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer
1. Korea, ASEAN adopt joint vision for cooperation
기사 요약: 부산에서 열린 한아세안 특별 정상회담에서 참가국들 자유무역을 약속했다.
[1] BUSAN – The ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit wrapped up Tuesday with the leaders agreeing to expand economic, political and social cooperation among the countries. *wrap up: 끝마치다 *expand: 확장하다
[2] “Advancement of the ASEAN is Korea’s advancement. Cooperating over the past 30 years through friendship and trust, we have shown ‘potential of Asia,’ overcoming financial and foreign exchange crises,” President Moon Jae-in said ahead of announcing the joint press statement.“Now, we have the confidence to propose a new answer for the future of the globe through the ‘spirit of Asia.’” *advancement: 발전 *potential: 잠재력 *overcome: 극복하다 *crises: (복수) 위기
[3] Moon went on to sum up plans agreed to by the leaders as stipulated in the joint vision statement adopted earlier in the day. During the first session of the day, which reviewed the 30 years of ASEAN-Korea relations and discussed the next 30 years, the leaders adopted a statement outlining the direction in which Korea’s relations with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations will develop.
*sum up: 요약하다 *stipulated: 약정하다 *adopt: 채택하다 *outline: 개요를 서술하다
기사원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20191126000724
2. Kakao becomes largest shareholder of internet-only bank
기사요약: 카카오는 한국투자금융지주의 카카오뱅크 지분 16%를 매입함으로 최대주주가 되었다.
[1] Kakao is set to become the largest shareholder of its internet-only bank on Friday, marking it as the first nonfinancial services firm to have majority stake in a South Korean lender. *shareholder: 주주 *majority stake: 최대지분 *lender: 대출기관
[2] The Financial Services Commission on Wednesday approved Korea Investment Holdings’ request to transfer 15 percent and 29 percent of its current 50 percent stake in Kakao Bank to Kakao and Korea Investment Value Asset Management, respectively.
*transfer: 옮기다 *respectively: 각각
[3] Korea Investment Value Asset Management is a second-tier subsidiary of Korea Investment Holdings, the holding entity of a major financial group here. The deals were valued at a combined 489.5 billion won ($419.3 million).
*second-tier: 제 2의 *subsidiary: 자회사 *holding entity: 지주회사
[4] As of Friday, Kakao will own a 34 percent stake in the online-only bank. Korea Investment Value Asset Management will hold 29 percent stake, making it Kakao Bank’s second-largest shareholder. Meanwhile, Korea Investment Holdings’ stake in the internet-only bank will be reduced to 5 percent minus one share.
*stake: 지분 *reduced: 감소한