The ASEAN-Korea Center in Seoul has opened its main hall from this year onward to companies and individuals doing or planning business with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ corporate partners.

The opening of the ASEAN Hall is aimed at spurring ASEAN business-related activities, and comes as part of celebrations marking the 10th anniversary of the center’s establishment in 2009. It was created as an intergovernmental organization entrusted with promoting bilateral trade and investment and cultural, educational and people-to-people exchanges.

Since 2009, the hall, located on the eighth floor of the Press Center Building, has served as a venue for various public lectures, exhibitions and educational programs for university students and young people. With a 200-square-meter floor and maximum capacity of 200 people, the venue is also equipped with advanced audio and video equipment. The hall is open to the public free of charge from 9:30 a.m. through 5:30 p.m.

Anyone who plans to organize an ASEAN business-related seminar, workshop or meeting can use the hall upon registration at the official website ( Depending on the program, an event can be jointly organized and carried out with the center, which will help promotion through social media and other online platforms.

Applications can be downloaded from the website and should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the scheduled event. The center informs the applicant of availability within one week after the submission.

By Joel Lee ()