GFriend vocalist Yuju is set to release her first solo EP on June 29, her agency said.
The news was first announced Monday at midnight on GFriend’s official website via a teaser image of rain falling on a flower with Yuju’s name at the top. The song’s title and the collaboration artist have not yet been revealed.

Having debuted as a member of GFriend in January 2015 with a single “Glass Bead,” Yuju is well known for her outstanding vocal prowess. She sang “Spring Is Gone by Chance,” a soundtrack for the Korean drama series “The Girl Who Sees Smell” with hip-hop musician Loco. The song won “Best OST” award at the 2015 Melon Music Awards. Yuju also collaborated with Sunyoul of UP10TION for “Cherish” and Jihoo of IZ for “Heart Signal.”