The Koreas will hold four basketball matches in Pyongyang over two days next week as part of an earlier agreement, the South's sports ministry said Monday.
Hwang Seong-un, spokesman for the ministry, told a press briefing that the Koreas will face each other in exhibition games and will also swap players for mixed competitions on July 4 and 5 in the North Korean capital.
The two sides reached an agreement on the basketball games and other sporting exchanges on June 18.

Hwang added the games will be televised in South Korea on tape delay.
"We'll have about 100 South Korean nationals traveling, including male and female players, members of their support staff and broadcasting crew," Hwang said. "They will travel via a direct air route between Seoul and Pyongyang over the Yellow Sea."
The Koreas settled on the July 4 date to commemorate the announcement of the South and North Joint Communique in 1972. This will be the fourth time that the Koreas will have met on the basketball court and the first in 15 years.
They will try to schedule more basketball games in Seoul sometime in the fall. (Yonhap)