BTS beat out pop icons like Justin Beiber for the top social artist award at the Billboard Music Awards last week, and the group said communication with fans was key.

The boyband, while recognizing that they are not yet as popular worldwide as Beiber, said communicating with fans on social media was one thing that they can confidently say is their advantage over the Canadian superstar.

“We share our everyday lives a lot (on the SNS), which I think may be an advantage,” said J-hop of the group during a press conference in Seoul on Monday.

Jimin chimed in, saying that BTS‘ tendency to upload photos and videos frequently for the fans may explain why they create such a buzz online.

“I made effort to communicate with the fans as frequently as possible through photos and videos. They are very curious about how we live our lives,” he said.

From early on in their careers, the members would upload a type of online video journal called “Bangtan Log.” The videos show little details on the members’ lives to the fans.

“It‘s like we share thoughts, our diaries with the fans,” said Jungkook.

By Yoon Min-sik ()