진행자: 간형우, Devin Whiting
Shamans and presidents: A history of strange intermixing in South Korean politics
기사 요약: 대통령 후보 시절 손에 '왕'자를 그렸던 윤석열 대통령. 한국 정치사에서 최고의 권력을 쥔 대통령들과 그들이 무속 신앙에 의존했던 방식.
[1] For nearly two years leading up to suspended President Yoon Suk Yeol's sudden martial law declaration on Dec. 3, a former military intelligence chief reportedly visited a fortuneteller in Gunsan, North Jeolla Province.
suspend: 정지하다
sudden: 갑작스러운
fortuneteller: 역술가
[2] Throughout the course of over 20 visits, he asked about the fate of different military officials, including now-detained ex-Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun and several others who would later be accused of playing key roles in the botched imposition of military rule that night.
fate: 운명
detain: 구금하다
botch: 망치다
imposition: (새로운 법률·세금 등의) 시행, 도입
[3] That customer was Noh Sang-won, former chief of the Defense Intelligence Command, according to Yonhap News Agency. Noh was recently referred to the prosecution on insurrection charges and accused of helping Yoon devise his martial law plan.
insurrection: 반란
devise: 고안하다
[4] He has also since gained notoriety for initiating what has been nicknamed the "hamburger meeting," in which he called former and current military intelligence officers to gather at a Lotteria fast food branch in Ansan, Gyeonggi Province, to discuss details of the martial law plan, just two days before Yoon issued his decree.
notoriety: 악명
initiate: 착수하다
decree: 포고
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/article/10383992
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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